About Apple: Apples give you more energy than coffee

The coffee snobs may not don’t want to believe it, but it’s true. If you’re ever a little low on energy during the afternoon, then consider munching into an apple instead of buying a cup of coffee. Thanks to its high carbohydrate, fiber, vitamin C and mineral content, eating apples are the perfect (and healthy) option to help you stay energized all day.The world’s most hated vegetable is one of the best for you.

Avocados are fruit

Avocados are classified as a berry with a large seed. Avocados must be picked when matured in order to ripen, which can take between 1-2 weeks. In Spain and Mexico, avocados are called “alligator pears” due to their shape and bumpy, green skin, while in India and China, they are referred to as “butter pears”. This healthy food is good for you too! They're a great source of vitamin C, E, K, and B-6.

Brussels sprouts may be the most hated vegetable, but it’s among the most nutritious veggies out there. It’s packed full of vitamins and minerals, has virtually no calories, no fat, no cholesterol, and it fills you up!


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